Prayer Shawl Ministry
Over the years our Prayer Shawl Ministry has gifted almost 40 persons experiencing personal loss or health problems or welcoming a new baby with beautifully and prayerfully hand made quilts, crocheted or knitted throws and shawls. This ministry also include Prayer Squares, small crocheted squares with a cross that can be carried in a purse or pocket or placed beneath a pillow. These are great to take to hospitals when a larger shawl is not appropriate or allowed.
If you enjoy crocheting or knitting, consider making throws or shawls for this ministry. As you create one, pray for the person who will be receiving it. You will not know them or the circumstance for the gift, but rest assured, God does. If this is something you are interested in, please talk to Saundra Nelson.
Prayer Shawl lessons in Crochet are available. For more information on Prayer Shawls visit Prayer Shawl Ministry.
If you know of someone in need of a prayer shawl or square, please contact Saundra or our rector.
