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Pre-Eulogy Dinners


Have you ever noticed how much you learn about someone during a Eulogy after they are gone?  The Pre-Eulogy Dinners are a gathering of church members seeking to celebrate the lives of congregants while they are still with us and can share their own stories.  Our purpose is to get to know each other better so that we may enjoy each other more.   


The evenings are informal, light hearted and informative. Each “Honoree” has a chance to briefly tell us only that which they wish known. While there is a Q and A which follows, the honoree responds at their discretion. Hyperbole and embellishments are allowed.


We meet on the third Thursday of the month at La Strada Restaurant in Lake Lure.


Meals are ordered from the menu and are the responsibility of the attendee.


Church of the Transfiguration
106 Saylor Lane,  Hwy 64
P. O . Box 130
Bat Cave, North Carolina
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